Sample Copy, $3
Back Issues: $3 each or 5 for $12
Please allow up to 10 weeks for replies.
At present we are running about
two months behind in answering snail mail.
All prices include postage in the U.S.
In PA, add 6% tax for sample copies,
back issues, Cow Buying Guide, or membership certificate.
Make checks to: COWTREE COLLECTOR, 240 Wahl Avenue, Evans City, PA 16033
The buying guide includes listings of individuals, companies, and organizations. If you would like to be included in the next directory, send COWmplete information: Name, Address, Phone, Fax, products or interests, etc. The latest edition includes a section for COWmputer COWs ---send information on bovine web sites, home pages, e-mail addresses, etc. A three-line listing is FREE.
Send a SASE for information on paid ads. Prices range from $5 to $30 for expanded COWverage in the Cow-Buying Guide.
Make checks to: COWTREE COLLECTOR, 240 Wahl Avenue, Evans City, PA 16033
MOOsletter T-shirts: M, L, XL white $10, colored $11
XXL, XXXL add $2/ea
list at least 5 color preferences
Make checks to: COWTREE COLLECTOR, 240 Wahl Avenue, Evans City, PA 16033