Submission Guidelines

OUR READERS are farmers, cow lovers', COWllectors, other bovimaniacs, and the mildly curious. In each issue, we include items from the very serious to the UDDERly ridiculous, both fiction and non-fiction, but we generally take a fairly light-hearted view of our bovine friends.

We love to receive original cow stories, articles, poetry, art work, cartoons, dairy recipes, or photographs for possible publication in "the MOOsletter". We especially like personal stories about cows and COWllectibles.

Our readers range in age from 9 to 90; therefore, we prefer G or PG-rated materials. Our subscription numbers fluctuate above and below 400. We generally print about 500 copies of each issue.

WRITING: Preference is given to work that fills 2 pages or less (although we have printed stories as long as 10 pages), typed to fit 5.5"W X 8.5"H pages (9 or 10 pt fonts), single-spaced, with clear dark printing. E-mail submissions are fine. Submissions may also be made on a 3.5" computer disk in TEXT format. (We use Clarisworks 4.0 on a Mac. If you can type your submission to that format, it will save us the time needed to file-transfer.) We hate to retype but can be persuaded to do so for unique or exceptional work.

PHOTOGRAPHS: Please make sure your name and address are on the back of each, preferably with a self-stick return-address label. It's best not to write your name on the back because ink doesn't dry well on the backs of photographic paper and if you stack them, it ruins the photo underneath. We will scan your photos (cropping the scans and/or reducing or enlarging them to fit our needs) and return your unharmed photos, if you include a SASE.

ART WORK: We can only reproduce black and white work. It is best to send us a good photocopy reduced to fit a 5.5"W X 8.5"H page. If possible, we will use the photocopy. If not, we will ask you to send the original and will be glad to return it with your SASE.

WHO ARE YOU? A short biography would also be helpful. Our readers like to "get to know" other bovimaniacs, like themselves. It can be serious, including your life-long accomplishments or can be funny (but we'd like it to be true.) In his bio, one COWntributor told us the only COWllectible he ever owned was a bottle of Elmer's Glue.

COPYRIGHTS: Please keep a copy of this as our written notice that copyrights will revert back to you after the story, poem, art work, etc. is published in "the MOOsletter". Submitting your work implies permission to publish it in one issue of "the MOOsletter" and possibly reprint it in an anniversary issue that might include the best stories or articles of the past. Please send, in writing (regular mail or e-mail), any restrictions on publishing your work. Anyone who is an aspiring writer might like to know that publication in a very small journal like ours, with a press run of about 500, should not jeopardize future copyrights or publication. We do not mind simultaneous submissions, but other publications may. Please check.

ORIGINAL WORK: Please submit only original material that is your own work. We will not knowingly reprint copyrighted materials from other sources without written permission from the publisher to do so.

Copyrighted materials from other sources may be submitted if accompanied by source information, including addresses, so that we may request reprint permission or acknowledge sources for articles we wish to summarize or quote from.

Include a SASE if you want submitted items to be returned.

PAYMENT (or, rather, lack-of-payment): We wish we could pay, but at present, we cannot. We are not-for-profit ---not intentionally, of course. Our subscription prices and a few paid ads barely (or rarely) cover our expenses. We will gladly send a copy of the issue in which your work appears. And, listing our "international quarterly" on your resume sounds impressive ---especially if others have no idea who we really are.

We are also very willing to work out some kind of "exchange". Can we advertise your newsletter, a book you wrote, or anything else in "the MOOsletter" in exchange for your submission? Can we give you permission to reprint something in your publication? We try to be flexible, so let us know what you would consider a reasonable trade-off.

EDITING: Generally, our policy is to edit for spelling or mechanical errors and for clarity, but not for content. If we must make major changes, we will request permission. Please do enough research to get your facts straight. (Our readers know about cows and won't tolerate your mention of a black and white "Jersey" or a brown "Holstein".) Unlike large newspapers, we don't have a research staff to check your facts. Please do not embarrass us or yourself with faulty reporting. If you're not sure, why not change ALL of the details and submit a fictional piece?

DEADLINES: If we accept something for publication, it may be used in any upcoming issue, so deadlines aren't generally important. However, if you have a story, photograph, etc. that might be especially appropriate for a particular season, or an announcement of an event which must be published in a particular issue, these are our deadline dates (although we are sometimes still selecting items for publication as late as the day before an issue is printed):

Winter Issue: Deadline Dec 1st to be mailed approx. Jan 31st

Spring Issue: Deadline Mar 1st to be mailed approx. Apr 30th

Summer Issue: Deadline June 1st to be mailed approx. July 31st

Fall Issue: Deadline Sept 1st to be mailed approx. Oct 31st

PUBLICATION DATES: We cannot promise nor guarantee when or if an item accepted for publication will actually be printed. We publish only four issues each year (24 to 40 pages each) and therefore often have a backlog of possible articles to print. If you haven't HERD from us in a while, send a self-addressed, stamped postcard or envelope and we'll let you know the status of your work. We have no paid staff and sometimes become overwhelmed with mail; it may take a while to get back to you. SASE's really help. (It seems like it wouldn't take much time to lick a stamp and write an address, but we send out over 3000 pieces of mail each year and we all have REAL jobs, so it makes a BIG difference.)

We would appreciate your forwarding this information to anyone else who you think may be interested in subscribing or submitting work to "the MOOsletter.

Thanks for your interest in "the MOOsletter". We hope you can join our HERD, either as a subscriber or a COWntributor (of writing, art work, etc.) or both. We hope to hear from you soon.
C.J. Peiffer (teacher, artist, writer)